SEO Orange County Tip for 2020 In 2020, some p…

SEO Orange County Tip for 2020

In 2020, some people are saying the US may enter a down turn, or economic growth may slow down like it does every 7-10 years. It sure doesn’t seem like it, but even if that is the case, you want to be prepared.

Most Orange County small businesses will have a knee jerk reaction to cut marketing budgets if economic conditions seem less promising, but that is the wrong move.

Your marketing budget is like having a 401k. This is your Orange Counties money generation vehicle. When things get bad, smart businesses use this as a time to get more customers, not less.

Thats exactly what millionaires and billionaires do – they buy distressed assets during an economic downturn like real estate. If it works for them, it will work for your business, we just have to be disciplined and focused.

So regardless what happens in 2020, Orange County Marketing is going to be vital.

Differentiate yourself by underside the value in Orange County marketing, specifically internet marketing services, and strategize for the future, which most businesses dot get the chance to do!

Thats what we do for our customers. If you need help, feel free to reach out for a free consultation. (949) 627-4771

Happy Holidays,

The razwerks Team


Headquarters: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #479, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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Orange County SEO Tip for 2020 As an Orange Co…

Orange County SEO Tip for 2020

As an Orange County company, these OC SEO tips can help make sure your marketing strategy is on solid footing.

UI UX and user experience go hand in hand. Google is focusing on the bigger experience, including their E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and relevancy. User experience is a part of that bigger picture.

Having good user experience and user interface goes hand in hand for your OC SEO strategy for 2020.

Make sure that your site is easy to navigate. Your messaging needs to be clear about what your business does. If you’re selling vehicle wrapping services, that has to be front and center on the first part of your website (the top section) as soon as the page loads.

You want to make sure your brand name, your tag line if you have one, and your contact information is also readily available.

If you’re trying to convert customers, your value proposition, or offer, needs to be visible right there as well. You can only benefit from having a lead capture form or some kind of quote or call or proposal button visible as well.

If you need help with your user experience, contact the Orange County Marketing Agency, razwerks.

Call: 949-627-4771


Headquarters: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #479, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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Orange County SEO Tip for Brands & Businesses …

Orange County SEO Tip for Brands & Businesses

The razwerks OC SEO experts will impart some knowledge, apply it, and measure the feedback.

Google has been saying a lot of things over the last few years about the direction of search engine rankings. Even if even if we just look at this year alone, and what we’ve heard about the direction of Google and SEO, you have probably heard things like Domain Authority is dead, backlinks are dead, seo is dead.

A lot of that is just noise or paranoia, as to this date, all of that matters.

But as an Orange County brand, worried about SEO in 2020, here is one thing you can focus on regardless of what direction the wind is blowing. Content. Good content.

As Anna Crowe of Search Engine Journal says:

“Content affects everything in SEO[.] From your site structure and internal linking strategy to the types of links you build.”

That is 100 true. You can also completely control your content, you can’t control what Google does, what Facebook does, what YouTube does. But I you are a content creator, as an Orange County brand, you put out value and create relevancy, and people are looking for that!

Need help with content marketing or just digital marketing? Talk to the razwerks Orange County seo expert. A no bs, free consultation.

Call: 949-627-4771


Headquarters: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #479, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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Why is SEO in Orange County, CA Important? Wit…

Why is SEO in Orange County, CA Important?

With the new year right around the corner what can an Orange County small business you’re probably thinking of your marketing budget and how to allocate it in 2020, if you haven’t already decided.

For those of you on the fence about search engine optimization, or local Google My Business rankings, its still your best bet for your core marketing strategy, or even if you want it to be your only strategy.

For tens of thousands of businesses in Orange County, Ca organic search results in Google or the Map Results are their primary source of lead generation and sales generation.

If you also take into account the tens of thousands of businesses that are trying to get into the top organic or map listings, you can just tell by the demand the top results have that this strategy works for businesses in Orange County.

Once you rank on page one for some keywords that are money keywords for your products or services, all the traffic you get will be free.

As an Orange County small business, you really want to beef up your seo campaign.

If you have questions about your SEO strategy in Orange County, CA feel free to reach out to the Orange County SEO expert at razwerks.

Call: 949-627-4771


Headquarters: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #479, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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Why is SEO in Orange County Important? Great …

Why is SEO in Orange County Important?

Great question.

If you’re a local Orange County brand, then a service like search engine optimization can be crucial to conquer.

Something like 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. That means if you’re an Orange County small business selling a product or a service, that experience, begins with a search engine, which is Google. We can include Bing and Yahoo too.

Why is it important to be ranked on the first page of Google?

Most users don’t go past the first page. If your competitors are listed highly on Page 1, or in the Map Pack (the 3 maps listings above the organic search results), then there is a really good chance that your competitors will get the customer.

That is why SEO in Orange County is vital for any OC brand or smb. You have to be seen, to be able to convert customers. Otherwise your website is a paperweight and you just don’t realize it.

At razwerks our SEO experts in Orange County are here to make that paperweight, into a paper airplane, soaring above the competition. We will make your site rank highly on Google in OC, Los Angeles, San Diego, in California or abroad!

Need help with SEO? Contact 949-627-4771


Headquarters: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #479, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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As an Orange County brand looking to succeed at…

As an Orange County brand looking to succeed at SEO in Orange County, here is another 2020 focus that we’re making, and you should too!

As an Orange County Business or Brand What Direction is SEO Going in 2020?

With the BERT update in 2019, Google has really been doubling down on the user experience, and Natural Language Processing.

Natural Language Processing is Google moving away from search queries, like “best web design company,” and also incorporating user intention.

From the razwerks Orange County SEO Agency, our perspective is this is great. You’re getting a better focus on the overall focus of content and users search behavior. This should make it easier for the average business trying to get high visibility, because you don’t solely have to focus on keywords.

Do We Need to Redo Everything on our Orange County Brand’s Website?

As an Orange County small business you need to understand user intent a lot better to make sure you apply what NLP is focusing on, while not abandoning what is totally working at the same time: search query optimization or using short tail and long tail keywords.

Are you looking to up your game, seo wise? Your welcome to call the OC SEO Experts at razwerks if you need help or a second look at your existing seo campaign!

Call 949-627-4771


Headquarters: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #479, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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